It is not unusual for people to say that they know what a physician does, but many have still not heard about the Physician Assistant Profession. Do you understand what the differences are between these two? The following information is sure to give you the information you are looking for if you have been asking.

Physicians are those individuals who have invested many years in medical school where they have learned to diagnose the illnesses of patients, prescribe treatment plans and the medicines required to help them get well.

Physician Assistants on the other hand are not required to obtain that much education and training but are more than just a regular nurse. Since they are a step above a registered nurse, they are allowed to work along with doctors to perform some of their duties. However, they still are able to diagnose diseases and disorders, prescribe medication, and discuss treatment options with patients.

One of the primary differences that can be seen between the Physician Assistant Profession and that of the doctor is in the amount of education it takes to complete the requirements for becoming licensed or certified. Doctors attend medical school for 8 to 10 years and after that they are required to complete a residency with a hospital where they get to practice the skills they have learned under close supervision. After that they are then able to decide whether they wish to set up their own practice, begin to teach or become part of a larger body of healers in a hospital setting or get involved with medical research.

The time required for a Physician Assistants to begin practicing is much shorter generally from 4 to 6 years. This time is all included in the regular nursing training as well as what it takes to get a Master’s degree in nursing. Other education may be required if they desire to enter a specialized field. At this time they are able to perform much the same type of services that a licensed doctor can without all the autonomy that comes with. Physician Assistants work closely with a licensed doctor who shares the responsibility for their work.

The requirement that they work while supervised by a licensed doctor is the main thing that sets them apart from an autonomous physician. Those working in the Physician Assistant Profession are able to assist with surgical procedures, examine patients, diagnose illness, develop treatment plans with patients, suture wounds, and participate in other areas of patient care. These professionals are also allowed to assist during surgical procedures.

The majority of Physician Assistants who are working in the medical profession today are working in areas of primary care. That is they generally take up positions within family practices, pediatrics and internal medicine. By handing over some of the responsibility for patient care to PAs, doctors have more time to perform more important elements of their practice, and patients receive more individualized care. 
In order to have an intelligent conversation about the Physician Assistant Profession, and where it came from, one must have some basic knowledge about what it is that is involved in a Physician Assistant Career. To make a long story short, a Physician Assistant is capable of performing the same types of services that any regular doctor can without having the same kind of autonomy. 

The Physician Assistant Profession allows those who are involved to practice medicine in the same manner in which a physician does, but they must be doing so under the supervision of a fully licensed and trained doctor. They are capable of carrying out many of the same services as a doctor such as diagnosing illnesses, helping during surgical procedures, evaluating the status of patients and writing prescriptions. 

Entering the healthcare profession in the realm of a Physician Assistant Career has some benefits that should be considered. Number one is that you can begin practicing medicine without having to spend as much time in school as a regular doctor. The pay scale for those entering this career field often reaches very close or above six figures. 

Now that we have the basics out of the way, we can go on to discuss where this profession originated. 

During the 1960s many doctors and educators saw that the number of physicians needed for proper care of patients was not enough to meet the demand. This mid-decade discovery caused them to determine that it was time to implement some changes to the healthcare field. This led to the broadening of the scope of medical care. 

As a direct result, Dr. Eugene Stead of Duke University Medical Center established the first of its kind Physician Assistant class in North Carolina. The very first class consisted of Navy Corpsmen who were already familiar with much medical training which they had received as part of the military during the Vietnam War. At this time he used the fast paced type of training that was used while training World War II military doctors. 

Two other doctors, Dr. Hu Myers from Alderson-Broaddus College and Dr. Richard Smith from University of Washington followed the lead of Dr. Stead and implemented programs of their own. Following suit, the American Medical Association also passed a resolution which created educational guidelines and the certification process used for completing the training required for becoming a Physician Assistant. 

In conclusion, the Physician Assistant Career began out of a necessity. Due to the foresight of this pioneer, that initial class continues to expand its influence even further into the medical profession, creating an ever-expanding reach into the healthcare that we know today. 

Physician Assistants provide a vital service which is particularly helpful since doctors are unable to be everywhere they are needed all the time. 
A lot of people these days are thinking seriously about becoming a physician assistant. If that is something that you are thinking of for yourself, it may be time for you to take some serious actions such as learning more about how to get started on your physician assistant career path. It is important for you to get all the information you can if this is something you are truly interested in.

All you have to do is follow the steps below and you will be on your way to discovering what it takes to enter this amazing career field, and get started working in the growing field of healthcare.

First Step

You will first want to know what it takes to get admitted into a program that will train you in the art of becoming a physician assistant. You will have to fulfill the prerequisites first and that includes getting a four year degree which includes 8 hours of human anatomy and physiology. There are any number of schools that can provide this service for you, but you want to make sure that your education will be accepted by the physician assistant program you are hoping to attend. Accreditation is what you need but the school should agree that it is acceptable.

Step Two

The really serious candidate for becoming a physician assistant will learn everything they can about this career that is expected to grow even larger in the next 10 years. You will be required to spend 50 to 200 hours following around a working physician assistant who is going about his or her daily work. Programs require from 50 to 200 hours in such activities.

Step Three

You will also have to get some references from professionals who know you and are willing to tell the physician assistant program what your qualifications are for entering their program. You will need these to come from medical professionals such as a doctor or physician assistant. You could also ask one of your professors to write a reference for you.

Fourth Step

The GRE is another thing that you should learn about because you will have to be able to pass it. It is also recommended that you study vocabulary by learning a minimum of one new vocabulary word each day, and one new question that is expected to appear on the GRE every day. Likewise you will want to learn the vocabulary that is used in the profession you will become part of.

Step Five

You should get your application in early if you are intent on becoming a physician assistant. You will find that you will be rewarded for doing this with lower fees as well as getting to enter the interviewing process earlier. You should also be early when it comes to the essay for CASPA.

Step Six

You should seriously consider what you will do during the interview. Know the answers to questions such as why you decided that you wanted to become a physician assistant, and why you chose this particular school for your education. You can expect that one of those questions will be about what made you want to enter this program and why you want to be a physician assistant.

Step Seven

You must also decide that you want to look your best during the interview. You want to look like the professional you are and the one you want to be. 
A very important role in the operating room is the anesthesiologist assistant and as a result, this position does command a higher level of pay. You will find that the typical anesthesiologist assistant salary ranges from $95,000 - $180,000. Since this is going to be a rewarding career that has great pay attached to it, you will most likely want to start with your educational requirements right away.

For the role of the anesthesiologist assistant, you will note that their overall purpose is to ensure that the operation process remains simple and safe. Patient safety will be the main goal of this individual and they will need to review medical histories and ensure that operation checklists are handled properly.

During an operating, they are taking the time to ensure that the anesthesia is being properly administered and they alert the anesthesiologist if a medical concern arises. It is with all this in mind that you can understand how a considerable amount of critical thinking comes into play as well as knowledge.

This means that someone just can't walk in off the street and become an anesthesiologist assistant. Not only will you need to obtain your bachelor's degree, but you will also need to become certified through the National Commission for Certification of Anesthesiologist Assistants. This entire process can take around six years to complete and this can be time consuming for some. You will need to ensure that you are remaining dedicated to the process during this time. 

In the operating room, you will always be under the direction of a certified anesthesiologist. You will need to understand that means that you will never be put in a position where you are in charge. Instead, you will be operating under the license of this professional and you will need to ensure that you have a respectful working relationship in place with them. You are going to find that this is important since you will have patients that will depend on the cooperation of the both of you.

If the job of an anesthesiologist assistant sounds like a match for you, then begin to explore the education opportunities you have. You will need to remember that the sooner you meet your educational requirements, the sooner you can begin to take home your anesthesiologist assistant salary. This is going to be a position that always remains in demand and will help you to make a difference as well. As you will discover, this is a position that gives you a chance to feel great while earning a decent salary. 
There has been a lot of development over the years with regards the medical profession. As a matter of fact, the growth of the medical professional has been quite fast throughout history. The human survival instinct is the main reason behind this. Apart from finding new cures and medicines, this growth is also about the advancement of the medical profession. A prime example of this growth is the Physician Assistant. The following is some details of the profession of the Physician Assistant.

What is a Physician Assistant?

A Physician Assistant, as the name itself suggests, is a person who assists a physician in his daily work. In effect, a Physician Assistant is a type of health care provider with a license to practice in a state. The majority of Physician Assistants work under a full-fledged physician. Physician Assistants are well paid and respected by the people.

Benefits of being a Physician Assistant

There could be any variety of reasons why a person would want to become a Physician Assistant. There are nevertheless two reasons that seem to stand out. The good pay packet is the first reason. As a result, it can be said that the job of a Physician Assistant provides a lot of financial security. Emotional satisfaction is the other reason why the job of a Physician Assistant is so coveted. As a Physician Assistant can heal people, their career becomes very emotionally rewarding.

How can a person become a Physician Assistant?

Formal training is required by a person to become a Physician Assistant. A Physician Assistant program can take anything from 2.5 years to 3 years depending upon the kind of program you choose. A wide number of Physician Assistant programs can be found in the United States of America. In fact, the number of Physician Assistant programs in the country easily surpasses 100.

Physician Assistant programs exist for all kinds of people and you can take programs to get certifications, associate degrees, bachelor’s degrees and even master’s degrees. Once you have become qualified, you can get a job and start working under a physician. A Physician Assistant’s pay packet can result in him earning up to 90, 000 American dollars. Along with this, hospitals are also in need of Physician Assistants.

What do Physician Assistant programs include?

It is an established fact that Physician Assistant programs are extremely comprehensive in nature. In fact, during your studies you would even find yourself sitting in the same classes as medical students. Despite the fact that course structures vary from one Physician Assistant program to another, it can include simple things like communication and interviewing skills along with complex concepts such as surgical procedures. It is also worth mentioning that it is possible for you to change your specialization even if you have been working in a field for a while. 
Doctors and physician assistants are the victims of numerous malpractice lawsuits each year. Sadly enough, the physician assistant does not have to actually make an error to be held liable. Almost anything can happen when it comes to the medical world. Just one trivial lawsuit against a physician assistant can totally destroy his personal finances and career. This is what will happen if medical professional liability insurance is not purchased.

One of the quickest rising medical professions in America is that of the professional physician assistant. As can be expected, physician assistants are taking on more of the daily workload because a lot of states are looking for innovative solutions that will lower healthcare prices. When these facts are factored in, anyone can see that physician assistant malpractice suits will constantly keep increasing in the future. The AAPA (American Academy of Physician Assistants) estimates that there will be 141,000 clinically practicing physician assistants in USA by 2020. It is obvious that all of these working physician assistants can be sued for malpractice.

Physician assistants can be sued even if they are on their employer's insurance policy.

Even though a physician assistant is a dependent healthcare practitioner, he is always at risk of individual liability. In the eyes of the law, each medial worker can be held liable for what he does.

Many PAs figure that they are safe if they are covered under their employer's insurance program. But, that's a wrong assumption. PAs are not fully covered under such employer insurance programs. They can still be held individually liable for their own negligence. They could possibly be held responsible for giving the plaintiff the full amount or a part of what the plaintiff wants.

All hospitals understand will get medical insurance that will cover its healthcare staff. But, this is not enough insurance. Either they purchase insurance for themself or with a group, physician assistants must get medical insurance. They must also carefully choose their liability limits.

There are 2 sorts of insurance and they are based upon either the occurrence or the claims made. If the malpractice episode occurs before the insurance policy expires, then it is called occurrence insurance. With occurrence insurance, a claim that is reported late will still be covered if the incident in question took place before the insurance policy expires. But this kind of insurance policy is hard to find because of the mysteries that are associated with medical malpractice and lawsuits. The second type of insurance known as claims made has become more popular these days.

With claims made insurance policies, the malpractice incident has to happen and be reported during the time period that the insurance is in effect. The claim will be disallowed if it is not reported before the insurance expires. If physician assistants wants to receive coverage for malpractice claims that get reported after the insurance policy is no longer in effect, then they must purchase an extra insurance policy. Physician assistants who get another insurance company can opt for prior acts insurance that will still cover malpractice incidents that have actually occurred, but no one has reported them yet.

When it comes to getting the most suitable malpractice policy, a physician assistant must take certain factors into consideration such as the overall job responsibilities, where he practices and the amount of risk that he is faced with on a daily basis. A physician assistant's job responsibilities can be put into three different groups that are designated as Class A, B or C.

Class A physician assistants are those who assist in the diagnostic management of patients.

Class B physician assistants are those who assist in general surgeries, obstetrics (prenatal or postnatal care), trauma/emergency procedures (up to 10 hours per week), and anesthesiology.

As a Class C physician assistants, the responsibilities include assisting with neuro, cardiovascular, OB/GYN, thoracic and plastic surgery. Also, they are responsible for helping out with over ten hours weekly in trauma situations, cardiac catheterization and obstetric delivery room procedures. 

Physician assistants should purchase the right about of insurance coverage if they help with risky procedures such as cardiovascular surgery. Physician assistants who assist in routine and safer procedures like diagnostic management can choose a lower limit. However, there is a noticeable increase in the state's medical malpractice lawsuits, then the physician assistant should opt for a much higher insurance limit.

Purchasing medical malpractice insurance will help save both the bank account and medical career or a practicing physician assistant. Even if he is on his employer's insurance policy, a physician assistant should also get his own coverage just to make sure that no risk is involved. 
Many people who are looking to become a physician assistant will look at the scholarships they can find. What students are going to find is that this will be a great way for them to get into this exciting industry. There is a good amount of attraction for young students to pursue a career in this field. Perhaps the biggest factor that attracts students is the fact that there is rapid growth and the field is becoming more aggressive. Along with this, the professional will find that there do have a considerable number of opportunities to choose from.

Besides the basic attraction of working in this field, a career as a physician assistant also provides students with the opportunity to be part of something meaningful and to do something meaningful with their lives. One example is the fact that individuals will have a chance to serve their community. Of course, there are also practical benefits to this profession. Take for example the fact that the physician assistant will have the chance to practice faster than if they were becoming a full-fledged physician. Even though they aren't actual doctors, they still make great money as well. 

Any student interested in taking the time to learn medicine, will find that there is assistance that they can take advantage of. One career this applies to is the physician assistant and students who might be short on the funds to make their dreams come true. 

A Look at the Reason for a Scholarship

Students will find that there is one major reason out there for a physician assistant scholarship. Simply stated, there is a furious demand for qualified and highly trained personnel in the medical field. A new demand for physician assistants has come from new requirements in place to reevaluate how medicine is now being practiced in the US. What has been behind this reevaluation of how medicine should be practiced in the U.S. is the seemingly constant stream of news stories that spotlight how healthcare has been administratively overwrought, economically broken and also financially dysfunctional. Because of this, we find that because the U.S. has a real need for professionals who work in the healthcare field, a whole bunch of federal programs are available to those students who end up qualifying for them.

1. Info on Federal Programs

We find that the federal programs dealing with the physician assistant scholarship are extensive and they give them a good chance to qualify. For example, there is the Scholarship for Disadvantaged Students. This scholarship is meant to go to students who are presently studying for a career in the medical field and who can also demonstrate a real, financial need. Students should understand that another choice they will have is through the Health Resources and Services Administration National Health Service Corps Scholarship Program. You will find that this scholarship has been designed to get a student dedicated in areas that have a hard time retaining qualified medical professionals. 

Another choice you will have to get a physician assistant scholarship will be to look at the U.S. military. Many students tend to overlook this option. This could because they feel that the service would be difficult or they have an objection to the U.S. military actually does. It is important that students consider this as a realistic option for getting the financial help they need. consider the fact that the military is in desperate need of medical professionals. A lot of people continue to fail to realize that the military does more than just defend the country and go to war! Students can get into the military and have their medical education paid for with a preset enlistment period. What you will find is that many states will also have their own programs to help ensure that there is an increase of medical personnel helping to serve their communities.

2. Private Programs

A student looking to become a physician assistant should also look at some private programs that offer a physician assistant scholarship. A good starting point will be to look at organizations that represent physician assistants. Organizations that represent the profession of physician assistant generally make certain scholarship funds available to students. They will however, have a better idea of what the professional and education criteria of these students will be. Through the schools you attend, you will find that there are plenty of private programs out there for you to get the help you need. What might surprise you is that many of these schools have their own financial programs in place to help you offset your financial burden. Another good suggestion for private programs for a physician assistant scholarship is an ethnic organization. What you will find is specific ethnic organizations will have money in place to help students reach their career goals.

3. Non-traditional Programs

Since students should review all their options, nontraditional scholarships should be explored. A program that some students may want to consider will have them acting as an intern in the field. For instance, some HMOs, hospitals and healthcare groups provide payments for educational costs. Those looking to improve their education and are currently in a lower position may want to contact their local human resources department and investigate the possibility of education assistance.

There is no doubt that a physician assistant scholarship can help to make a difference. It can mean the difference between being too discouraged to follow your dreams and being able to make them come true in a career as a physician assistant. Students are advised not to think that because they have financial problems that they cannot get a great education and career! 
What does a physician assistant do? If you are asking this question, you are probably weighing your options for starting a career in the medical field. You may like the idea of becoming a doctor, but not like the number of years you would have to spend in school and the money you would have to spend in order to become a doctor. Most people see the physician assistant position as a great alternative.

A physician assistant is about the closest you will ever come to being a doctor without going through medical school to actually become one. Since a physician assistant can do many things that doctors do, like prescribing medications, this is a great alternative for those who cannot go through medical school. You will work under a physician who has gone through medical school, but you can gain quite a bit of independence and even maintain your own list of patients in many circumstances (though not always).

Physician assistants are in great demand and can apply for jobs in many medical facilities. You can work in an office with a pediatrician, family doctor, or even a plastic surgeon. Your career may end up in a local hospital in any of their divisions. There are many medical clinics that need assistants as well. Any environment where physicians are employed you may find your skills in demand.

You can also decide to take on a particular specialization, or to go into general practice. This means you can choose to take special coursework if you have an interest in a particular field of medicine.

On the job, this position requires a lot of desk work as well as interaction directly with patients. Below you will find a quick overview of the duties, though the exact requirements will vary depending on where you work and what you choose to specialize in (if you specialize at all). You may also be limited in your duties depending on the state in which you practice.

What does a physician do when not working directly with patients? They mostly handle the paperwork and basic interactions with other doctors, insurance companies, and other parties of interest. A physician assistant may spend considerable amounts of time calling in prescriptions for all patients of the practice, getting referrals to other doctors patients need to see, and making sure that all insurance claims are handled properly and promptly.

It is basically the job of the physician assistant to make sure the doctor can do their job without complications. Doctors spend so much time working with their patients, that they often rely on their assistants to ensure all of the background duties are handled so there are no complications or setbacks.

Some physician assistants actually see patients in the office on a daily basis, just as the doctor is seeing patients. They are able to take a complete medical history for patients, listen to their problems, analyze symptoms and physical reactions, and come up with diagnoses. From giving medical advice to prescribing controlled substances, an assistant can cater to all needs of a patient.

When problems come up or the assistant is not sure about a course of action, the doctor is always standing by for assistance. Sometimes work will be carried out alongside a physician, but in many cases the majority of a physician assistant’s work is done independently.

After learning everything that a physician assistant can do, you may be wondering why they are not treated as full doctors. It is very easy to understand when you think about the extra training and experience a physician must obtain before taking on their title and establishing a practice. It must be noted that as a physician assistant you will have to go through some advanced learning, but you wont be required to go through the strenuous programs required to become a doctor. 
When someone wants to achieve a surgical assistant salary, they must be prepared to learn some fairly technical aspects of the job. When you work in this role, you become extremely important to the successes of a surgery. This person will be responsible for preparing the area for a surgery and will work with the lead surgeon to ensure all goes smoothly before and after the procedure is completed. When the main surgeon needs some help they will turn to this person for assistance. 

Someone that has been certified as a surgical assistant has completed the necessary training and education so that they can be beneficial to the surgeons. They should be informed about the technologies that are available to treat patients and they must know what the best practice choices are for many different treatments. Their role will also include offering some suggestions for treatment and being able to help diagnose different problems with their patients. 

There are a large number of opportunities for a certified person to earn their surgical assistant salary. By staying informed about the advances that are made in the industry and by gathering as much experience as they can, they will have continued prospects for employment. The job openings that are available at the hospitals will be the most available for this position. They are the most likely place to be doing surgeries regularly so they need the most experienced surgical assistants on their staff. Due to the aging population, more surgeries are likely to be needed. 

You will have to complete the required course work in college if you are sincere about earning the surgical assistant salary. A bachelor’s degree will need to be obtained in allied health or nursing if you would like to pursue this field. 

You must also have completed at least three years of work in an operating room serving as a surgical technician or an assistant to the doctor. Working in a military operating room will also serve as experience. During your course work at the college, you will be required to pass classes that deal with many different subjects. These classes will help you understand such things as the terminology that is used in the chemistry, biology, and other surgery related areas. Some of the more advanced classes will give you information about Microbiology, surgical anatomy, Pharmacology, and the clinical aspects of surgical assisting. 

Anyone that would like to work as a surgical assistant will have to be certified in life support and CPR. They must be knowledgeable about all of the vaccinations that are being used and have a complete understanding of the vaccinations that are used for Hepatitis B and tuberculosis. Staying up to date in all of these areas will ensure that you are able to assist in any situation that you are called for. 

The medical field is full of opportunities for someone that has completed all of their training and has reached the ability to earn the surgical assistant salary. They will experience some security when they locate a team of doctors that really need their help. Areas like heart surgery, wound preparation, and neurosurgery are great areas to start a specialty in.

Regardless of which avenue a person decides to travel down after they have completed each of these tasks and have finally earned their surgical assistant salary, they will be challenged and will understand why this position can be so stressful but they will be appreciated for the expertise and knowledge that they bring to the operating room. 
While a physician assistant practices medicine, they do so under the supervision of a certified physician. A PA however, is like a physician in many ways. It is not necessary that the PA be under the direct supervision of the physician, but instead, must work with them in a practice. The physician, as well as the PA is responsible for the care which the PA gives to the patient or client.

The educational requirements for both are quite different, and a PA will attend school for a shorter period of time. The PA however can have the same responsibilities, and they will be able to fulfill many of the same job requirements.

The Physician Assistant differs significantly from the medical assistant, and it is well known that the medical assistant spends very little time in school. In the office of a physician, the PA has several responsibilities. These responsibilities are diverse, and it is often that the physician does not become involved. What this means is that while the PA may be functional in the practice of the physician, in most cases the PA is not directly overseen by the doctor and may hold their own office hours in the practice of the physician, seeing patients independently unless they determine that another opinion is in order. Patients will occasionally ask to speak with the PA at the office instead of the physician. The reason for this of course is the prevention of 'white coat syndrome' in most patients.

Each state has different requirements set for PA's. However as a general rule, the following tasks are expected of the PA, and fall within their scope of practice and physician assistant job description: diagnosis, x-ray interpretation, lab result analysis, prescription treatment, therapeutic decisions, patient examination and treatment and wound care.

The PA will need to watch the patient and determine their level of health along with taking their medical history for the diagnosing of immediate problems. Further, they can prescribe a plan of treatment for the patient, as well as prescribe medication for the patient. The actual job the PA will obviously vary. This is determined not only by the state in which they practice, but also by the physician assistant job description of the physician for whom they work.

Most individuals who want to be in a PA training program will hold a degree. The course will move much faster if the individual in question already holds a bachelor's degree. Most will have some kind of experience in medical fields, such as EMT, Nursing, or Paramedic training, although again, this is not a prerequisite to become a PA.

The course will likely require two years to finish. The PA program can and will lead to several different degrees. In some cases, you may obtain your Associate degree, your Bachelor’s degree, or the masters. The degree you gain will depend on your prior education.

There are specific requirements for each PA course. Medical courses of course will be the most commonly attended, but there are other courses required that will improve communication. Additional courses will include: nutrition, pathology, chemistry, physiology, medical surgical treatments, immunology, and even biology.

Every school will differ in their courses and each school will require different things prior to your attendance. Remember that many colleges will offer PA courses, but it is important to attend an accredited course. These programs can be offered by medical colleges, allied health programs, or physical colleges.

For the most part, the Physician assistant is well compensated for his or her work. In general, a PA will be paid around $85,000 USD per year. The new graduate can expect to make 5-7K less than that fee upon graduation. It has been found that the lowest pay is 50k per year, which is nothing to scoff at.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics is clear on the fact that the health care fields are extremely critical of those who work in the field. Over time the profession will grow along with the salary.